Sunday, March 30, 2014

Children's Museum Field Trip

Acacia, Tasha & Rakshi cook in "the diner."
Amelie experiments with air pressure. 
Caiti turns liquids into a polymer. 
Carter & Nolan B. get ready for take-off.
Buckle up!

Ethan paints a beautiful picture in the art station.

Hudson uses his sense of touch to discover
what's in the box.

Jacob plays with air pressure and balls.

Prudhvi and Ivan wait to conduct
an experiment.

Skylar decides where she should go next.

Madi and Rakshi spray water into the pool.

Tasha, Acacia, Amelie & Mackenzie like getting wet:)

Science Experiment - Measuring Mass

Wow! How many markers can they fit into the scale?

Looks like one side is heavier. Do you agree, Hudson?

Can Ayden really fit the kleenex box onto the scale?!?

Look how closely Rakshi is observing:)

Prudhvi & Nolan B. watch closely as Carter adds something to the scale.

Jacob, Caiti, Alexa & Marley make learning look fun!

Madi waits patiently to discover which side is heavier.

Science Experiment with Liquids

The first graders were asked to compare the liquid amounts in each vase. They noticed that all four vases were different shapes and sizes and that the liquids were different colors. Then, each student predicted which vase held the most liquid and which vase held the least liquid. In the end, we discovered that each vase held the exact same amount of liquid. This is because: liquids take on the shape of the container that they are inside.

Lunch Time Fun

Skylar, Madi and Nolan S. look ready to eat lunch.

Tasha, Leland and Carter look happy and hungry!

All About Penguins Writing Celebration

Caiti reads to her group.

Marley, Mackenzie and Aidan listen to a reader.

Alexa, Prudhvi and Ivan listen to a reader.

Hudson reads to his group.

Nolan S. sits on Curious George's lap as they listen to a reader.

Tasha reads to her group.