Monday, September 30, 2013

Literacy Choices

The first graders begin their day with Literacy Choices.

During D.E.A.R. Time, the first graders can
partner read or read independently. They can read big books, books
from our classroom library, books from their Fluency Boxes or read
the Poetry Wall.

During Writing Center, the first graders can write stories about their lives,
write fiction stories or retell  favorite stories in their own words.

During Word Work, the first graders can make words with magnetic letters,
sequence alphabet cards, complete alphabet puzzles or
practice reading,writing & spellingword wall words.

Number Partners

Aidan uses counters, break-apart
sticks and cards to work with
number partners during Math

Acacia begins to set up her math tools. Notice how
hard she is concentrating.

8 Partners
9 Partners

10 Partners

Monday, September 23, 2013

Learning is such fun!!

Ayden L. and Hudson partner read during Literacy Choices

Ethan writes and writes and writes during Writer's Workshop.
Did you know he has a rat that he can put in his pocket?

Ivan and Nolan B. complete the ABC Puzzle.
Look at those proud faces:)

Skylar, Madi and Rakshitha choral read together.

Caiti and Amelie partner read at the carpet.

Alexa reads a Dr. Seuss book on our reading bench.

Wellness Reminder

Reminder: Please send your child dressed in appropriate clothing for 
Wellness classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. During sandal season, it is 
also a good idea to send socks that can be put on with tennis shoes.

Volunteer Support

Calling all Volunteers

We are finally ready for family volunteers to begin working in our classroom. 
Volunteers are requested during the following days and times:

Writer’s Workshop Tuesdays (9:30 - 10:00/10:15)
Wednesdays (9:30 - 10:00/10:15)
Thursdays (9:30 - 10:00/10:15)

GAP Work Time Tuesdays (10:15 - 10:45)
Wednesdays (10:15 - 10:45)
Thursdays (10:15 - 10:45)

If you would like to volunteer during one of these times, please contact me through email
or through a note. I will contact you at the end of the week for a final confirmation.

Our volunteer schedule will begin the week of September 30th.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Welcome to our classroom blog. I look forward to sharing information about our classroom routines, first grade curriculum, special events and celebrations of student learning. I plan to keep you updated on a weekly basis.

Specials Schedule

                                        Specials Schedule for Mrs. Borths’ Classroom

Monday - Art (10:15 - 11:00)
Tuesday - Wellness (2:30 - 3:00)
Wednesday - Guidance/Library (2:30 - 3:00)
Thursday - Computer Lab (1:45 - 2:30)
Thursday - Wellness (2:30 - 3:00)
Friday - Music (1:15 - 2:00)

Lunch & Recess (11:30 - 12:15)
PM Recess  (1:15 - 1:45)

Snack Reminder

Every morning, we take a 10 minute snack break around 10:00. Thank you for providing your child with healthy snack options. Several students have shared that they are still hungry, so please check with your child to see if they are getting enough to eat. Students who forget snack or are not able to bring one will continue to given snack from our class supply. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Student Pictures

Nolan found a comfy spot in our reading corner 
to read a good book. Look at that happy smile:)

Hudson, Ayden and Ethan read a big book 
about spiders together on the carpet.
 We may have some spider experts among us!

Carter and Tasha work together on a page
for our class book entitled,
"Twas the Night Before First Grade."